Not So Fast

Here’s our new plans. We’ve paid for a month’s rent at the marina in Lake Charles. We had another mech. prob. when the cutlass bearing gave out. For some reason (we think we may have hit a crab trap) the rubber sleeve slid out of the brass bushing so our prop shaft was quite loose in the strut, making a terrible metal to metal clanging noise. Bridge_Harbour_TraveliftWe managed to get a tow the 30 miles from Cameron to the marina in L.C. which has a 35 ton Travel Lift which could haul us out so we could fix it which we did Mon. & Tue. Eleven hundred dollars later we’re back in the water and good to go again, but we’re not going yet. We’re going to fly to Cozumel, Mex. via DFW. We’ll be in the DFW area for a week, including Thanksgiving, before continuing on to Mexico so we hope to get to visit everybody there sometime. After we get back here we’ll continue on to Florida. Depending on how things go we’ll decide where and when we’ll go from there. We’ll eventually get back to Mexico if we stay ahead of the boat repair vs. cruising budget curve.

David and Claudia

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